Naturalization & Other Services

Life in United States of America beckons...
Becoming a US citizen through naturalization is a process where eligible non- citizens voluntarily acquire US Citizenship. We educate you about benefits of gaining a US Citizenship, analyze and resolve legal challenges that may arise along the way, and assist you in navigating the entire process of becoming a US citizen, including preparing and representing you at your naturalization interview.
You have to fulfill certain requirements to be eligible to apply for naturalization. Typically, you must be 18 years old or more and can apply for US citizenship, if you:
A) have been a permanent resident of the US for at least 5 years (or 3 years if married to a US Citizen)
B) satisfy the physical presence, good moral character and continuous residence requirements
C) demonstrate knowledge of US government & history, and ability to speak, read and write English (with certain exceptions)
In addition to representing businesses and individuals in their immigration needs, our firm also provides guidance and representation in certain other types of visas.

Schedule your 30 / 60 minutes consultation